About Us

Long story short

About Judy

The modern glass movement allows artists to slump, cast and fuse glass to create dynamic new work. The texture and translucence of glass is transformed in the kiln by varying the temperature. The medium  of glass offers her the most direct link between personal vision and completed work.
Judy received her B.A. at the College of St. Francis, Joliet, IL in 1966 and her M.Ed. from Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN in 1985. She is a member of the Association of Artists & Craftsmen of Porter County, The Tall Grass Arts Associiation, the Indiana Arts Commission Regional Arts Council for Region 1 and is a founding board member of the Friends of Art at Valparaiso University. For 25 years she has been the Executive Director of the Chesterton Art Center in Chesterton, IN and has served on the committee, including Art Fair Chairman, for the Chesterton Art Fair for over 20 years.
Throughout her career Judy has worked on commission pieces for businesses, churches and private patrons and collectors. Including:
Window, cabinet and light fixtures for Frank Lloyd Wright home in South Bend, IN,
Ceilings for the Carnegie Center, Rensselaer, IN
NIPSCO Industries, Merrillville, IN 
Tickets, Now, St. Louis, MO
Edmond & Evans Funeral Home, Chesterton, IN
Augsburg Lutheran Church, Porter, IN
Holy Shepherd Lutheran Church, St John, IN
Dr. Ronald Larcher, Lemont, IL
and many others.
Judy has also shown her work in many local and national exhibitions.
For a complete resume or to inquire about a commission, please contact Judy at 219-926-5645 or judy@gregurichstainedglass.com


106 S 12th St. Chesterton, IN 46304

